Friday, August 20, 2010

thank goodness it's finally... something

fryday frosh freshening flush. not the hugest fan of the way things sloshed around today. went to work. had to leave work to go get the paws dog because someone else slept in. took a helper again because he's huge. he and elbe were still trying to eat each other. got all filthied up and exhausted wrestling the beast in to the office, giving him drugs, and kenneling him up. woof! then started working. spent the lunch break shopping for a glue stick that (after i got back to the office) turned out to be all dried out and useless. so thank goodness for tricia who had some double-sided tape so i could finish making a poster for the calendar contest.
skipped lunch, and thus ate way too many of anja's chocolate chip pecan cookies. the afternoon was tense, punctuated by tension, and interrupted by emergency situations and awkward situations. the last two patients of the day were both after hours emergencies, and one of them didn't make it. so then, after all that, i got to take the big doofus back to paws, where he and elbe resumed trying to eat each other. the best part of the day happened next: horses! i got to stop off at the nan-sea stables for a few minutes of peace and bliss. i met a tennessee walker named daisy and an arab named rain man and breathed easily, probably for the first time today.
then i went back to the office to pick up my teddy and the poster, which i had to deliver to the elks lodge for the clam diggers rod run (tomorrow). talked to a couple of clients there, and discussed a potential home for bella mama. oh, i hope it works out!
made it home and didn't have enough cream cheese for the bagel. one more trip out to the store, and then on to clean up the three (yes, three) piles of cat vomit, and one cat turd that someone (...hobbes?!?...) had so kindly left all over my house.
another plus to today is that i'm listening to the jimmy eat world cd i finally got to replace the one i burned up. there are still so many cds to buy, but it is nice to remember. this cd's place in time is when i had first moved to san diego and played it in the car when i went to hang out with genessy in chula vista, and then played over and over again while commuting to and from work at hollywood video. i do miss san diego. sigh.
and i don't want to put off until tomorrow the things i should do (like dishes) so i'm putting them off by dinking around online instead.

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