Wednesday, August 11, 2010

still no word

i know i've mentioned in this blog before how i chafe under the thumb of limbo. and i'm still waiting to hear from the bank what my house budget is. waiting...
in the meantime, i've been trying to keep busy: went to town, cooked real japanese food for the first time in, probably, at least a couple of years, had a play date with teddy and another dog (she's coming over for a sleepover party this weekend). speaking of dogs, there is only one lonely dog at the paws shelter right now. poor tank just wants to be a good boy, but he is still young and has a hard time restraining his impulses, plus he's a very big boy. so today we worked on not jumping up on people and going where he is told to go without having to be dragged. someday he will be the awesomest dog, if people will just keep working with him. and he's such a handsome boy too...
which (for some reason) reminds me that, while my boss is out of town the next couple of days, our relief vet is a recently relocated cowboy from montana. appointments are open: go ahead and call the office in the morning! (remember to bring your pet).
and, since i'm mentioning work stuff, there is a pet photo calendar contest going on here as a fundraiser for my romania trip and other world vets stuff. photo entries are $5, and votes are $1 each. the pet with the most votes will be our cover model, and the 12 runners-up will be featured in our 2011 "beauties of the beach" calendar. we hope this to be the first annual event. so if you want to contribute to the worldwide spay/neuter effort, but don't live locally or don't have a pet, just vote for the cutest face on the website! easy as pie. mmmmmm. pie.
maybe i'm not so stuffed from the yakisoba after all...

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