Wednesday, August 18, 2010

elegies and such

death, death, and passing. that parting is being sweet sorrow for sure these last few days. patients, family of friends. not so close to me that i'm grieving, but close enough that i'm touched. i feel for those in sorrow now, and i forsee my own sorrow as i recognize the mortality of my loved ones.
be good to people! be considerate of life. don't waste time, effort, or hurt inflicting pain on others, when who knows what they may already battle inside.
one friend just learned about her own cancer. one suddenly had a whole torn in her family by an unexpected passing. one has just lost his loyal friend of the last 12 years, and tells me that he can't bear to go home to an empty house. does paws, he wonders, have another senior cat to whom he can offer some love? another is trying to say goodbye while her sweet, sweet emma has just days left before her kidneys give out. another just survived major surgery only to have heart trouble start up while still in the hospital. another struggles to bring her friend the last few paces so he can collapse in an exam room and we can open the door to end his pain. some tourists call about an injured seagull on the beach. one client opens up to another in my lobby about losing her son in afghanistan. so much pain, and so much easier to bear when shared.
so, a challenge. take some pain. wear part of the burden of someone else, whether you know them, or better if not. what a lift for them, and what an amazing sharing for you. i'm touched, but not grieving, and all of these have some support.
"cause it won't be long, til i'm gonna need somebody to lean on."
rest in peace, those who have gone, and rest in peace, for tonight at least, everyone who is left.

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