Thursday, August 5, 2010

more bagels, please!

for michelle's birthday, my boss and i decided to have a bagel breakfast. so i bought bagels (blueberry and everything) and cream cheese (strawberry and tomato/basil). so i had these items at my house overnight with the bagel toaster. it was torturous. i was oh so close to just opening the darn things and apologizing in the morning, but with willpower, and going to bed early, i was able to pull through. so the next morning was epic, fabulous, delicious, and just plain yum. so was later that afternoon. so was this morning. it seems that i shall be purchasing more bagels and bringing the toaster back home. oh, the goodness!
also, i've been volunteered to join a cardboard boat contest at the paddle the shores event on september 19th. a team of four people from my office will be given a supply of cardboard, 3 rolls of tape, and 1 hour to construct a boat. then one silly schmuck from the team (this will probably be me) gets to paddle the boat in a race against other silly schmucks. i've offered to wear my donkey hat for the occasion. after all, how many opportunities does one get in which wearing a donkey hat is not the silliest of the activities in which one is participating?

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