Thursday, July 29, 2010

stuck in my head

d'you ever get something stuck in your mind - just plastered in there? someone posted a youtube link to a song on facebook. it's called airplanes. so that link did 3 things to me:
1) i listened to the song about 50 times. can't help it. it's stuck in my head, and it goes through my head over and over again when i'm not listening, so i might as well just play the thing.
2) it reminded me that i love paramore. their cd was one of the many that burned up in my car, and i just hadn't replaced them all yet. so i looked up some paramore. and there is a song i hadn't heard before called decode. so i love that song too. and the music video has clips from the movie twilight in it. guess they wrote it for the soundtrack or something. and i've consciously avoided twilight for a long time. several reasons. i generally try to avoid fads. i've never been into vampire movies. i'm just jealous that stephanie myers is getting so much from writing out a dream, when i've had a couple of frikking awesome dreams that would make great book and movie series if i would just sit down and write them (and then find a good publisher and all that). so i'm kind of mad at myself about that... yet another reason to avoid twilight. but the scenes got me hooked. now i know i want to watch. and that means i'll have to read. and that means i'm sunk. and who likes to admit that? so i have mixed feelings about this song.
3) the third thing about the original song is that it's a rap, which reminded me that i haven't listened to rap for a while, having avoided that for a while too. so i revisited some good ol' marshall mathers. and he's still really good, but i'm not used to that much profanity any more. it actually got irritating, how much was in there. i'm sure it's possible to express feelings without using four letter words. so mixed feelings about that too.
and all because liz posted a song she likes.
facebook is an incredible thing.

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