Saturday, July 24, 2010

harley weekend

this weekend is hog heaven, or something like that. it's the one weekend a year when every harley rider is invited out to a convention of sorts in ocean shores. they ride around noisily, hang out at local bars, ride around noisily, wear leather, shop at local stores, ride around noisily... i'm sure it's exciting to motorcycle enthusiasts. and i understand the appeal of being with a large group of people who have common interests (san diego comic con, anyone?). even though motorcycles aren't an interest i share, i thought i should at least check it out. so i went on down to the convention center parking lot, where there are booths upon booths of leather, fringy, fleeced, accessorized with bandanas and helmets. then there were food booths. i doubted that i, as a vegetarian, would find anything appealing at a biker convention. wrong! there was a booth labeled "thai food". the menu listed pad thai, yakisoba, and fried rice, among other things. well, being the sucker that i am, i went for some yakisoba. yeah. i did that. it was edible, but it wasn't yakisoba, not by a long shot. it was only after i'd spent my 9 bucks on a plate of greasy noodles that i noticed the roasted corn booth, and the place that sold deep fried snicker bars. urk. that's a heart attack on a stick! however, at this point it was cold and misty, and i'd had enough of the leather and trying not to cough, so i walked home.

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